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Lessons by Various Members
videos (
11/27/24 - Thanksgiving Service
10/20/24 - Roy North - The Pursuit of Happiness
10/20/24 - David Trimble - The Church Family
10/20/24 - Thaniel Thacker - The Anvil
9/11/24 - Jeff Holbrook - A King Like No Other (Hezekiah)
9/4/24 - Various Speakers - More than a Fish Story (Jonah)
8/25/24 - Keith Slone - One Who Was A True Friend (Jonathan)
8/21/24 - Johnny Stiltner - The One Called 'Teacher of Israel'
8/18/24 - Ben Konig - Patience In All Things
8/18/24 - Larry Thompson - Demons & Demon Possession
8/14/24 - Chris Johnson - God's Champion (Job)
8/7/24 - David Trimble - Sons Who Rose Above A Disappointing Legacy
7/31/24 - Thaniel Thacker - The King Who Ate Grass
7/24/24 - One Who Said "It's Not For Sale!"
7/17/24 - Various Teachers - Unnamed Heroes
7/14/24 - Keith Blackburn - Crossroads of Life
7/10/24 - Ben Koenig - The First High Priest
7/3/24 - Larry Thompson - The Man Who Fell Asleep in Church
6/26/24 - David Lawrence - Will Reynolds - Blayde Horne - VBS: Courage to Be the Light
6/25/24 - Josh Allen - Wyatt Taylor - Morgan Reynolds - VBS: Courage to Take a Stand
6/24/24 - David Trimble - Kieran Hambleton - Easton Slone - VBS: The Courage to Heed the Call
6/19/24 - Jerry Read - The Teenager Who Started a Revival
6/12/24 - Ross Cline - The Righteous Redeemer
6/5/24 - Roy North - The Man Who Refused to Bow
5/8/24 - Thaniel Thacker - Lessons from 1 Samuel
3/31/24 - David Trimble - Deeply Rooted Young People
3/24/24 - Youth - Leadership Training
2/7/24 - Jeff Holbrook - Fear and Fear Not
2/4/24 - Roy North - A Graceful Exit (Acts 20)
1/7/24 - Various Speakers - Encouragement
12/27/23 - Johnny Stiltner - Having Personal Goals
11/22/23 - Thanksgiving Service
10/22/23 - Keith Slone - Finishing Well (Acts 8)
10/22/23 - Keith Blackburn - Acts 17
9/3/23 - Larry Thompson - Where is my pat on the back?
9/3/23 - Keith Blackburn - Living Water (John 4)
8/13/23 - David Trimble - The Three Little Pigs
7/30/23 - Jerry Read - Evangelism 101
4/10/22 - Andrew Allen
4/10/22 - Boys Lead Service
5/31/2020 - Jeff Holbrook - The Little Things
Your Encouraging Word For Today - 5
Your Encouraging Word For Today - 4
Your Encouraging Word For Today - 3
Your Encouraging Word For Today - 2
Your Encouraging Word For Today - 1
8/18/2019 - Jerry Read - Man Named Moses
8/18/19 - Robbie McKinney - To the Church at Main Street
08/04/19 - Keith Slone - Stand for Christ
03/28/12 - Various Members - End of quarter prayer meeting