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2024 - Unashamed
videos (
12/18/24 - Josh Allen - The Dominio Effect (10)
12/15/24 - Josh Allen - Handle With Care
12/15/24 - Josh Allen - C.H.R.I.S.T.
12/15/24 - Josh Allen - Life of Elijah (10)
12/11/24 - Josh Allen - Domino Effect (9)
12/8/24 - Josh Allen - He Went Away SORROWFUL
12/8/24 - Josh Allen - A Sermon About Nothing
12/8/24 - Josh Allen - Life of Elijah (9)
12/4/24 - Josh Allen - The Domino Effect (8)
12/1/24 - Josh Allen - Take, Eat
12/1/24 - Josh Allen - God Alone Wise (Romans 16:27)
12/1/24 - Josh Allen - Life of Elijah (8)
11/27/24 - Thanksgiving Service
11/24/24 - David Lawrence - Drawing Near to God
11/24/24 - Josh Allen - The Only Wise God (Romans 16:27)
11/24/24 - Josh Allen - Life of Elijah (7)
11/20/24 - Josh Allen - The Domino Effect (7)
11/17/24 - Josh Allen - They Had Been With Jesus
11/17/24 - Josh Allen - Doxology (Romans 16:25-27)
11/17/24 - Josh Allen - Life of Elijah (6)
11/13/24 - Josh Allen - The Domino Effect (6)
11/10/24 - Josh Allen - Word of Encouragement (Romans 16:19-20)
11/6/24 - Josh Allen - The Domino Effect (5)
11/3/24 - Josh Allen - When God Repeats Himself
11/3/24 - Josh Allen - A Warning (Romans 16:17-20)
11/3/24 - Josh Allen - Life of Elijah (4)
10/30/24 - Josh Allen - The Domino Effect (4)
10/27/24 - Josh Allen - Oh You of Little Faith
10/27/24 - Josh Allen - What is in a Name? (Romans 16:16)
10/27/24 - Josh Allen - Life of Elijah (3)
10/23/24 - Josh Allen - The Domino Effect (3)
10/20/24 - Roy North - The Pursuit of Happiness
10/20/24 - David Trimble - The Church Family
10/20/24 - Thaniel Thacker - The Anvil
10/16/24 - Stas Tea - Ukraine Update
10/13/24 - Josh Allen - Someone Who Cares! (Psalm 142:4)
10/13/24 - Josh Allen - God's Honor Roll (Romans 16:1-16)
10/13/24 - Josh Allen - Life of Elijah (2)
10/9/24 - Josh Allen - Domino Effect (2)
10/6/24 - Josh Allen - A Dynamic Duo (Romans 16:3-5)
10/6/24 - Josh Allen - Life of Elijah (1)
10/2/24 - Josh Allen - The Domino Effect (1)
9/29/24 - Josh Allen - Phoebe a Servant of God
9/29/24 - Josh Allen - Book of Habakkuk
8/22/24 - David Lawrence - City of Refuge
9/22/24 - Josh Allen - The God of Peace (Romans 15:33)
9/22/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Grace (5)
9/18/24 - Wade Webster - Unashamed of What the Bible Says About Hell
9/17/24 - Wade Webster - Unashamed of the Church
9/16/24 - Wade Webster - Unashamed of the Plan of Salvation
9/15/24 - Wade Webster - Unashamed of Christ
9/15/24 - Wade Webster - Unashamed of the Bible
9/15/24 - Wade Webster - Unashamed of the Cross
9/11/24 - Jeff Holbrook - A King Like No Other (Hezekiah)
9/8/24 - Josh Allen - The Man Who Hesitated
9/8/24 - Josh Allen - Gospel Driven (Romans 15:14-33)
9/8/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Grace (4)
9/1/24 - Josh Allen - What is Precious?
9/1/24 - Josh Allen - One Mind and One Mouth (Rom 15)
9/1/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Grace (3)
8/25/24 - Keith Slone - One Who Was A True Friend (Jonathan)
8/25/24 - Josh Allen - Who is my neighbor?
8/25/24 - Josh Allen - Facing Our Giants
8/25/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Grace (2)
8/21/24 - Johnny Stiltner - The One Called 'Teacher of Israel'
8/18/24 - Ben Konig - Patience In All Things
8/18/24 - David Lawrence - Renewing Our Covenant
8/18/24 - Larry Thompson - Demons & Demon Possession
8/14/24 - Chris Johnson - God's Champion (Job)
8/11/24 - Josh Allen - Marks of a Christian (Romans 15)
8/11/24 - Josh Allen - Called to Hope (Romans 15)
8/11/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Grace (1)
8/7/24 - David Trimble - Sons Who Rose Above A Disappointing Legacy
8/4/24 - Josh Allen - Don't be a Stumbling Block (Romans 14-15)
8/4/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Forgiveness (7)
7/31/24 - Thaniel Thacker - The King Who Ate Grass
7/28/24 - Josh Allen - Put On Christ (Romans 13:14)
7/28/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Forgiveness (6)
7/24/24 - One Who Said "It's Not For Sale!"
7/21/24 - Josh Allen - Up and At 'Em
7/21/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Forgiveness (5)
7/17/24 - Various Teachers - Unnamed Heroes
7/14/24 - Keith Blackburn - Crossroads of Life
7/10/24 - Ben Koenig - The First High Priest
7/7/24 - Josh Allen - Rejoice and Weep (Romans 12:15)
7/7/24 - Josh Allen - The Debt You Owe (Romans 13:8)
7/7/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Forgiveness (4)
7/3/24 - Larry Thompson - The Man Who Fell Asleep in Church
6/30/24 - David Lawrence - The Blessed Life (Matthew 5:3-10)
6/30/24 - Josh Allen - Our Attitude Toward Government (Romans 13:1-7)
6/30/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Forgiveness (3)
6/26/24 - David Lawrence - Will Reynolds - Blayde Horne - VBS: Courage to Be the Light
6/25/24 - Josh Allen - Wyatt Taylor - Morgan Reynolds - VBS: Courage to Take a Stand
6/24/24 - David Trimble - Kieran Hambleton - Easton Slone - VBS: The Courage to Heed the Call
6/23/24 - Josh Allen - Cheerfulness (Rom 12:8)
6/23/24 - Josh Allen - How to Love Your Enemy (Romans 12:14)
6/23/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Forgiveness (2)
6/19/24 - Jerry Read - The Teenager Who Started a Revival
6/16/24 - Josh Allen - Effective Love (Romans 12:9-13)
6/16/24 - Josh Allen - Sincere Love (Romans 12:9-13)
6/16/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Forgiven and Free
6/12/24 - Ross Cline - The Righteous Redeemer
6/9/24 - Josh Allen - Follow Me
6/9/24 - Josh Allen - Study of His Coming (5)
6/9/24 - Josh Allen - Part of the Body (Romans 12:3-8)
6/5/24 - Roy North - The Man Who Refused to Bow
6/2/24 - Josh Allen - Sharing is Caring
6/2/24 - Josh Allen - Renewed Thinking (Romans 12:3)
6/2/24 - Josh Allen - Study of the Second Coming (4)
5/29/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Romans 12
5/26/24 - Josh Allen - "AMEN"
5/26/24 - Josh Allen - The Transformed Life (Romans 12:2)
5/26/24 - Josh Allen - Study of the Second Coming (2)
5/22/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Romans 11
5/19/24 - Josh Allen - "Always"
5/19/24 - Josh Allen - Let's Be Reasonable (Romans 12:1)
5/19/24 - Josh Allen - He is Coming Again (2)
5/15/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Romans 11
5/12/24 - Josh Allen - Fly Like An Eagle (Isaiah 40:31)
5/12/24 - Josh Allen - The Unfathomable God (Romans 11:33-36)
5/8/24 - Thaniel Thacker - Lessons from 1 Samuel
5/5/24 - Josh Allen - Are You Listening? (Romans 10)
5/5/24 - Josh Allen - Voices of Calvary: Voice from Above
5/1/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Romans 10
4/28/24 - Josh Allen - The Way of Peace (Romans 10:15)
4/28/24 - Josh Allen - The Perfect Combination (Romans 10:1-3)
4/28/24 - Josh Allen - Voices of Calvary: Truly this was the Son of God
4/24/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Romans chapter 9
4/21/24 - Josh Allen - A Beautiful Blessing (Numbers 6)
4/21/24 - Josh Allen - 3 Important Truths (Romans 9)
4/21/24 - Josh Allen - Voices of Calvary: Father Into Your Hands
4/17/24 - Don Myers - The Salvation of God
4/14/24 - David Lawrence - Recognizing Our Blessings (Psalm 103)
4/14/24 - Josh Allen - The Stone (Romans 9:33)
4/14/24 - Josh Allen - Voices of Calvary: It is Finished
4/7/24 - Josh Allen - When the Sun Won't Shine
4/7/24 - Josh Allen - Love your Neighbor
4/7/24 - Josh Allen - Voices of Calvary: I Thirst
4/3/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Romans 8
3/31/24 - David Trimble - Deeply Rooted Young People
3/31/24 - Josh Allen - Power of the Resurrection
3/31/24 - Josh Allen - Voices of Calvary: "My God, My God"
3/27/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Romans 8
3/24/24 - Josh Allen - Three Men Named Ananias
3/24/24 - Josh Allen - Heirs of God (Romans 8)
3/24/24 - Youth - Leadership Training
3/20/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Romans 8
3/17/24 - Josh Allen - God is Faithful
3/17/24 - Josh Allen - The Struggle (Romans 7:13-25)
3/17/24 - Josh Allen - Voices of Calvary: Woman Behold Your Son
3/13/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Romans 7
3/10/24 - David Lawrence - What is Holiness?
3/10/24 - Josh Allen - New Life In Christ (Romans 6)
3/10/24 - Josh Allen - Voices of Calvary: Lord Remember Me
3/6/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Romans 6
3/3/24 - Josh Allen - The Opposite of Love
3/3/24 - Josh Allen - This Is How You Love (Romans 5:6-8)
3/3/24 - Josh Allen - Voices of Calvary: Father Forgive Them
2/27/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Romans 5
2/25/24 - Josh Allen - The Great Commission and Me
2/25/24 - Josh Allen - Peace With God (Romans 5:1-5)
2/25/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Matthew 28:16-20
2/21/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Romans 3-4
2/18/24 - Josh Allen - By Faith (Hebrews 11)
2/18/24 - Josh Allen - The Just Shall Live By Faith (Rom 1:17)
2/18/24 - Josh Allen - Matthew 28 The Resurrection
2/14/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Romans 3-4
2/11/24 - Josh Allen - Chain Study on Wisdom
2/11/24 - Josh Allen - Guilty (Romans 3)
2/11/24 - Josh Allen - Matthew 27-28
2/7/24 - Jeff Holbrook - Fear and Fear Not
2/4/24 - Roy North - A Graceful Exit (Acts 20)
2/4/24 - Josh Allen - The Goodness of God (Romans 2:4)
2/4/24 - Josh Allen - Study of Matthew 27
1/31/24 - Josh Allen - Romans 1:18ff
1/28/24 - Josh Allen - Fragrant Christians (2 Corinthians 2)
1/28/24 - Josh Allen - The Sin of Self-Righteousness (Romans 2)
1/28/24 - Josh Allen - Matthew 27:1ff
1/24/24 - Josh Allen - Romans 1:8-17
1/21/24 - Josh Allen - The Creator Revealed (Romans 1)
1/21/24 - Josh Allen - The Great Exchange (Romans 1)
1/21/24 - Josh Allen - Matthew 26 - Peters Denial
1/17/24 - Josh Allen - Romans 1:5-8
1/14/24 - Josh Allen -- G.O.S.P.E.L Acrostic
1/14/24 - Josh Allen - The Glorious Gospel
1/14/24 - Josh Allen - Matthew 26:36ff
1/10/24 - Josh Allen - Romans 1:1-7
1/7/24 - Josh Allen - Bondservants of Christ
1/7/24 - Josh Allen - Matthew 26:26ff
1/3/2024 - Josh Allen - Overview of Romans